Winning At Retirement

About Boomersklub

BoomersKlub has been created to help people plan their retirement, or help those who have already retired optimize this special time of life and live it to the full.

Retirement is so different from what it used to be, and many have warned of a coming crisis, with so many people with limited savings or investments set aside for their future. A huge number of boomers and x generation people have not planned adequately for their life after work, either financially, socially or in many other ways.


Health &

Keeping mind and body in the best condition to enjoy your retirement

Money & Finance

How to manage your money before, during and after your retirement

Social & Relationship

Maintaining networks and finding new connections no matter where you live

Activities &

New things to learn and different places to travel

Learn How To Win At Retirement

Planning is vital, and we are not just speaking in relation to money and finances. While money is obviously important, health, lifestyle and relationships are all foundations of a happy and successful retirement years.

BoomersKlub is designed to address many of these potential areas for retirees & show how you can win at retirement.

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Level 12, 6 Croiasure St, Melbourne ,Society 1234

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615 (0) 38 123 4567

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